Skandinaviska Glassystem

SPIRALEN, Norrköping

Two buildings that together create the Norrköping department store, Spiralen, have been linked up by means of an elliptical glass dome, which appears to hover in the air between the two buildings. The dome, the walls and roof of which are entirely in glass, are not only a link between the different departments of the store, but houses a cafe and a restaurant. Norrkoping has gained a new meeting point.

In addition to the dome, the glass building project included 8 new bay windows, to open up the facades onto the street between the main buildings, and a new glassed-in two storey entrance/wind catcher at one of the two main store entrances. Add on a glass elevator shaft and two plate glass display cases and the total glass surfaces included in the project amounts to 900 m²




Per Wallgren / AG Arkitekter

NCC Bygg / LE Lundberg




SG-Distance, SG-Rod

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SPIRALEN, Norrköping

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Two buildings that together create the Norrköping department store, Spiralen, have been linked up by means of an elliptical glass dome, which appears to hover in the air between the two buildings. The dome, the walls and roof of which are entirely in glass, are not only a link between the different departments of the store, but houses a cafe and a restaurant. Norrkoping has gained a new meeting point.

In addition to the dome, the glass building project included 8 new bay windows, to open up the facades onto the street between the main buildings, and a new glassed-in two storey entrance/wind catcher at one of the two main store entrances. Add on a glass elevator shaft and two plate glass display cases and the total glass surfaces included in the project amounts to 900 m²




Per Wallgren / AG Arkitekter

NCC Bygg / LE Lundberg




SG-Distance, SG-Rod